Leslie Sansone: Walk Slim 4 Fast Miles Kit w/Pedometer

Sale Price: $64.89
Leslie Sansone designed this 4-mile workout to give you maximum weight loss benefits by boosting...
Leslie Sansone designed this 4-mile workout to give you maximum weight loss benefits by boosting...
Model:DM08 Color:Gold This is the latest Bluetooth Smart DM08 Watch which is compatible wit...
This handy little Digital Golf Score Counter is all you need if you like playing a few rounds of...
PedometerBeing active is part of a healthy lifestyle that can make you feel better an even live ...
Counts your daily steps. Memory function allows you to view your accumulated steps up to 1 milli...
Introducing the new water-resistant 4x3runner digital pedometer by ozeri - designed for ultimate...
Safety Leash for Pedometer - Set of 6 Although your pedometer has a belt clip, add a pedomet...
These advanced step counters rely on inertial sensors and sophisticated software to detect steps...